モノクログラフィックモジュール 128x64ドット

製品情報モノクログラフィックモジュール 128x64ドット



  • VAサイズ:1.36インチ
  • 画素数:128 x64
  • 供給電源:3.0V単一電源 (昇圧回路内蔵)
  • インターフェース:8ビットパラレル(80系/68系に対応)
  • バックライト: LED/ EL
  • タッチパネルオプションなし
  • COGモノクロモジュール
  • コネクタ接続
  • RoHS対応


  • 外形サイズ:34.0(W) x28,72(H) x 1.6(T) mm (FPC, B/L除く)
  • ビューイングエリア:29.58(W) x 17.98(H) mm
  • アクティブエリア:25.58(W) x 15.98(H) mm
  • ドットピッチ:0.20 x 0.25 mm


  • 供給電圧:3.0V
  • 供給電流:0.2mA
  • B/L電圧: 3.0V (White LED B/L)
  • B/L電流: 30mA (White LED B/L)


PIN NO.SymbolDescription
1 VCC Power supply for logic
3 /CS1 This is the chip select signal. When /CS1 = “L” and CS2 = “H,” then the chip select becomes active, and data/command I/O is enabled.
4 CS2
5 /RES When /RES is set to “L,” the settings are initialized.
The reset operation is performed by the /RES signal level.
6 A0 This is connect to the least significant bit of the normal MPU address bus, and it determines whether the data bits are data or a command.
A0 = “H”: Indicates that D0 to D7 are display data.
A0 = “L”: Indicates that D0 to D7 are control data.
Shared with the MPU power supply terminal Vcc.
7 RW/WR • When connected to an 8080 MPU, this is active LOW.
(R/W) This terminal connects to the 8080 MPU /WR signal. The signals on the data bus are latched at the rising edge of the /WR signal.
• When connected to a 6800 Series MPU: This is the read/write control signal input terminal.
When R/W = “H”: Read.
When R/W = “L”: Write.
8 E(/RD) • When connected to an 8080 MPU, this is active LOW.
(E) This pin is connected to the /RD signal of the 8080 MPU, and the ST7565S series data bus is in an output status when this signal is “L”.
• When connected to a 6800 Series MPU, this is active HIGH.
This is the 6800 Series MPU enable clock input terminal.
9~16 DB0~DB7 This is an 8-bit bi-directional data bus that connects to an 8-bit or 16-bit standard MPU data bus.
When the serial interface is selected (P/S = “L”) :
D7 : serial data input (SI) ; D6 : the serial clock input (SCL).
D0 to D5 are set to high impedance.
When the chip select is not active, D0 to D7 are set to high impedance.
17 C86 This is the MPU interface switch terminal.
C86 = “H”: 6800 Series MPU interface.
C86 = “L”: 8080 MPU interface.
18 P/S This is the parallel data input/serial data input switch terminal.
P/S = “H”: Parallel data input.
P/S = “L”: Serial data input.

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